There were a number of hospitals catering for POWs in Stalag IVA. Not all have been identified and, of those which have, it is not clear for all of them for which types of medical conditions they catered. However, the facilities currently identified are as follows:
Rodeswich: neurological and psychiatric.
Schmorkau: General medicine, but also operating as the neuro-psychiatric and dermato-venereal diseases centre for the Wehrkreise, plus dental and TB.
Elsterhorst: TB.
Zweiglager Heilag: Specialist, including for POWs being assessed for repatriation.
Konigswartha: General medicine and surgery.
Konigstein: Convalescence. Opened 1.9.1942, but not clear how long it continued.
Schwarzkolin: n/k.
Bilin: n/k.
Wuzon: n/k.
The medical staff in these facilities might be German or they might be Allied medical staff who were also POWs. Elsterhorst, for instance, had French medical staff among its number. In addition, Allied medical staff might travel to arbeitskommandos to check on the health of POWs or to respond to particular health problems, though it was just as likely that this would be done by Germans. The Stalag itself had a small cadre of medical staff.
In addition to POWs' access to these facilities set up or converted for their use, prisoners were also treated at the civilian hospitals in the district, including those in Dresden itself.
Created: February 2016

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