The history of Stalag IVA set out in this blog is incomplete and skewed by virtue of the sources used to gather information. Its focus is on British, and to some extent also American, PoWs held in the Stalag itself at Hohnstein or in its hundreds of work camps. This means that I have little information on the extent to which it was a prison for the military personnel of other Allied nations, though I know that it also housed Poles, Dutch, Belgian and French prisoners in the Castle or, with Russians, in work camps. The sources I have used are generally from UK archives, for the most part those held at the National Archives in Kew, West London. I have augmented the material available from Kew with papers written by my father while a prisoner in a work camp in Dresden and from those of other PoWs in the area at the time.

The sources may be summarised as the following:
·         My father’s camp diary and his correspondence with the Chief British Man of Confidence at Hohnstein Castle while a prisoner in K1326;
·         Extracts from the reminiscence of a fellow PoW in his work camp;
·         Information and photographs from the relatives of PoWs from Poland, France, Holland, the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom;
·         The forms required to be filled in by PoWs returning to the UK at the end of the war (Liberation Questionnaires);
·         The reports on conditions in the Stalag and its work camps prepared by officials of the Protecting Power (the USA until the end of 1941 and Switzerland thereafter);
·         Reports by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross on visits to the Stalag and its work camps;
·         Reports on prison camps compiled by the UK Government during the war, particularly to identify locations to avoid during the Allied air offensive;
·         National internet sites archiving records of PoWs held in District IV, including those of France and Holland.

I have not relied on independent internet sources such as Wikipedia or on published PoW reminiscences, neither (but especially the former) being entirely reliable. The Wikipedia entry on Stalag IVA is well wide of the mark. In other words, so far as possible the sources are contemporaneous with the events they describe or written very soon afterwards. If any reader of the blog has suggestions as to new sources to plunder, I should be grateful to hear from them.

However, while every effort has been made to check facts published here, and to review them periodically, it is impossible to guarantee the accuracy of all the information in the blog. I should be grateful for any corrections, suitably substantiated, or additions to the information already available. I hope to include photographs of the Stalag and of work camps and would welcome assistance with that from anyone with photographic records of Stalag IVA’s prison camps.

July 2020

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